‘Tis the Season (to be wacky)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Celebrating the birth of Jesus and the scandalous, offensive grace of the gospel.

Such a celebration also calls for a great time of enjoying the company of friends and family. Christmas tree up, coffee brewing, that Christmas music playing in the background, and hanging with family….. ahhh.

You know, I’ve noticed something over the years. Whenever family gets together, traditions happen. I feel like most of them are pretty typical- stuff you would normally expect. The Christmas Eve service at church, dinner with the family, seeing Santa, etc.

You’d be surprised though. Some are pretty wacky. And awesome.

Like I have my own personal Christmas Eve tradition. It first started by accident but I’ve been doing it now going on seven years. After we get home from our Christmas Eve service, I turn on the TV and watch 30-45 minutes of the movie A Christmas Story and then go to sleep.

Did you catch that? I never watch the whole movie. Never in my life have I seen it from start to finish. Just 30-45 and then I go to sleep.

I’m not the only one with semi-weird/strange/what? traditions. I asked some of my friends what they do. Take a look! Maybe it’ll inspire you to start something new with your family this Christmas…


My friend Jake

“So I’ve never met anyone else who did this. When we were younger my parents didn’t wrap any of our presents but just laid them out on the couches, haha. We each had our own couch of presents.”  


My friend Jay

“Our family would give each other white elephant gifts.”  


My friend Mark

“We used to do $5 dollar gifts where we each got everyone a gift on Christmas Eve.”  


My friend Andrew

“We would always watch the movie It’s a Wonderful Life on Christmas Eve.” 


My friend Katie

“We play Christmas tree! Where we drive around neighborhoods and yell ‘Christmas tree!’” Every time you see one lit up in a living room. And whoever gets the most wins! It started when we were little and now we just do it for family bonding time, haha!”  


My (other) friend Jake

“Every year we make a music video on Christmas Eve after church. Last year was the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything



My friend Adam

“My family regifted the same pair of granny panties and can of baked beans for almost a decade.”  


My friend Kevin

“My mom collected a set of 25 children’s Christmas books, and she would read one to us each night of December.” 


My (other) friend Andrew

“We all get a new set of onesie pajamas on Christmas Eve.” 


My friend Allyson

My mom builds a massive ‘snowman village’ of over 100 snowmen that she has collected over the years. It takes up over half of our living room!”


My friend Ethan 

“My family always plays weird games/challenges.”


My friend Tim

“My grandpa asks us REALLY intricate bible questions and then gives us coin rolls when we get it right.”  


My friend Casey

“My siblings and I would go out and spread reindeer food (cereal, sprinkles, and glitter) in the front years on Christmas Eve. Now that we’re older we do it with my 5 year old nephew.”  


So there you go. Who knew traditions could get so strange? Maybe you’re inspired to try something new this year!

Merry Christmas!

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