The Mid-August Heat

The Mid-August Heat

The temperature reads around 101. The ground is scorching.  The air is sticky.  Everyone is sick of the heat, ready for Fall. It’s around this time each year that I get really really excited.  It’s time to head back to Athens.  Time to rock it in the Classic City. The people start pouring in again.  Freshman…

Write it Down!!

When I first got to college, I noticed something interesting and slightly scary. I started to forget things. All. The. Time. It was pretty bad. I remember I showed up to class one day, not remembering that we had an outline for a paper due. Oh. Oh yeah. Fortunately, the teacher gave me some grace…

This Might Not Work

Those 4 words are essential. As long as there’s something meaningful to start, accomplish, fulfill, etc, there’s always a chance it might not work. If there’s not, it’s probably not very significant. This idea might flop. This business venture might fail. If I speak up, people might disagree. I might go the wrong direction. They might…

Why I Think Small Talk is Lame (and What To Do About It)

Small talk is unavoidable. It happens in just about every type of social situation. It’s not all bad, especially if we’re getting to know someone for the first time. But if you’re anything like me, it sometimes feels like a waste. We don’t really learn anything new about the other person. It’s like we’re filling…

Why You Should Fail More

Last March, I was at the ONE2 Conference in Clemson, SC, a faith-based conference for college students that some friends and I lead. Midway through the event, a panel of business leaders took the stage and began sharing college experiences that helped shape them into who they are today. One of the leaders had this…