$10 Lemonade

The past couple of weeks have proven that Georgia’s weather is officially insane.  About this time last week, the entire city of Athens (actually, the entire north Georgia area) was frozen over from the “icepocalypse.”   My roommates and I were completely iced in.  I couldn’t even open my car door because it was so…

2014: Consistency

In January of 2013, I started a new tradition.  My dad has been doing it for a long time and it’s a fun way to keep things fresh each year.  Pick a keyword for the New Year.  As a college student, I do this on a semester basis.  At the start of each semester, I identify an…

The Teen Years

For some reason, I’ve been blessed with a good memory.  Sometimes, it freaks people out a little bit.  When talking to friends, I often have to preface my recollections by letting them know that I simply have a good memory, not an obsession with remembering minute, insignificant details. I remember I first became a teenager…



As college students, we hear the word “networking” thrown around all over campus.  We hear it from our parents, our professors, and even our peers in many instances.  Whenever the career fair rolls around at UGA, my email inbox is flooded with notifications about this tremendous “networking” opportunity.  After all, we do have future careers…

Who’s On Your Board?

Back in the summer of 2011, my dad, with his connections in north Fulton County’s business community, graciously took the time to set up several lunch meetings for me with some of the area’s most respected business leaders.  I was a rising senior in high school at the time and was eager to begin exploring…

Hello Hurricane

I am a terrible musician, but I love music.  Without a doubt, music is one of my passions.  It relates to others in a way that is unlike any other medium of expression.  The music we listen to becomes the soundtrack of our life.  Through the good and the bad, the highs and lows, music…


It is remarkably easy to take pride in one’s own accomplishments, ambitions, and titles.  Be it professional, academic, or athletic success, it feels natural to take pride in accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves.  After all, we worked hard and put forth the effort to realize our own personal objectives.  From our big accomplishments…

Why Start a Blog?

That’s a great question.  Today there are over 70 million active WordPress bloggers covering just about every issue, field, topic, organization, and occupation in the United States.  For many people, such an overwhelming number of blogs has become, in effect, rather underwhelming in the sense that blogs have become seemingly monotonous.  That is, every organization…