What Was Cool 10 Years Ago?

Think back to your life 10 years ago. 2005.

What songs were popular? I remember bouncing to Outkast at the 6th grade dance.

What was that “thing” everyone had to have? The iPod Nano was my jam. Also if you had a Motorola Razor you were just the coolest.

What were the box office hit movies? StarWars Episode III, anybody?

I think it’s actually kinda hard to remember what it was like, for me anyways. Man, how did we do life without iPhones?? That’s an entire blog post right there.

2005 was a different time. Just 10 years ago. Imagine if someone told you that one day you’d have the title “Director of Social Media” at your organization. You’d say, “what?”

The world and technology changes every day. We’d need to change with it.


I don’t think our faith, our core values, and our priorities on what really matters ought to change at all. If our core beliefs are as volatile and fluid as our cell phones, I think we miss everything.

The way in which we get things done- the methodology- should always be flexible. The reason why we do things should be solid rock. iPhone in one hand and the Scriptures in the other.

Sometimes it’s the exact same hand.

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