Write it Down!!

When I first got to college, I noticed something interesting and slightly scary. I started to forget things. All. The. Time. It was pretty bad. I remember I showed up to class one day, not remembering that we had an outline for a paper due.

Oh. Oh yeah.

Fortunately, the teacher gave me some grace and I had a few extra hours to pull it together.

After that day, I started to realize that I outta should maybe probably write things down more often- so you know, I’ll remember to write my papers and stuff.

But there’s more to it.

Not only does it help remind us of the critical things we have to do, it also helps us capture the moment. Starting my freshman year at UGA (and still going to this day), I began writing down everything I did that I thought was worth remembering. It might be an event I went to, or something I did with friends, or even our hilarious and ridiculous inside jokes. I knew if I didn’t, I’d probably forget it all in a short time.  I starting making a word doc for each school year and summer. Sure, we have photos and facebook and twitter and instagram and all that to capture stories and memories, but there are some things that we simply need to write down in order to remember.  Like they say, it’s the little things.

Saturdays Between the Hedges. Always worth writing down and remembering.

Now, I love being able to look back at the list of things I’ve experienced and places I’ve gone and have it all captured. Looking back on college now that I’m three years in, it blows my mind at how many things I’ve gotten to see and do. It makes me thankful and reminds me of everything I’ve been blessed to be a part of and the small part that I play in a larger story.

Try it! Start writing down the moments worth remembering. Capture the emotion and the experience while it’s fresh.



It’s a beautiful day! Don’t let it get away!” – U2

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